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We all age; we all get to die – the primary concern is: how much pain and disability will we have to endure on the way to our common end? 

Do you want to stay YOUNG longer? The best time to ask how to do that is before we start to fall apart; the next best time is NOW! Some people are born with better genes and/or gene expression and just age well, but science shows that nutrition, sunlight, physical activity, sleep quality and thinking patterns powerfully affect our state of health and fitness. In addition, supplements abound today that can compensate for most of the functional decline that results from agingSenior explores and reports practical life-style patterns and strategies we can adopt to promote optimal health, longevity and vitality.

Today we know how to slow aging and delay the consequences of aging for decades, but to personally benefit we must learn about and practice strategies that work; that’s what we document on Senior Fitness – practical antiaging strategies that work!

Senior Fitness………………………..